Use "moraine|moraines" in a sentence

1. Wide-angle view of Ghiacciaio dei Forni from its left-lateral moraine, illustrating ice-falls and prominent lateral moraines in the eastern sector of the glacier.

2. Terminal moraine.

3. The sedimentology of four moraine ridges and one moraine hummock favours deposition in subglacial cavities.

4. Much of it is mantled by glacial moraines.

5. Four moraine systems are recognized within the area.

6. It's a strange landscape of bare rock, boulders and moraines.

7. A paved secondary road provides access to Moraine Lake and Moraine Lake Lodge, which offers overnight accommodation and food services.

8. Lateral moraines are formed on the sides of the glacier.

9. It is the remains of a glacial moraine.

10. The debris they left behind formed moraines, lakes and rivers.

11. The trail traverses several glacier moraines and many river crossings.

12. Huge glacier table on a middle moraine of Vadret Pers.

13. These features had been variously described as moraines, drumlins, and crevasse-fillings.

14. Hourly usage of Moraine Lake parking lot (2001)

15. The abandoned space inside the moraine is a Bowldery …

16. That profiles along some moraine Catenas near the type Dahms , D

17. Moraine Valley's Academic Advising team can help plan your educational future

18. This led to intense development on some portions of the moraine.

19. Jane Aridge is a Nurse Practitioner in Moraine, OH

20. And question 15, where would one find terminal moraine?

21. The chain of lakes and end moraine ridges are popular holiday areas.

22. A Bowldery moraine which encircles the mouth of the canyon and is attached to the rocky walls on either side by a gradually diminishing lateral moraine, or moraine-terrace, which now stands at a consider- able elevation above the glacier

23. Prominent moraines at the surface grow as more englacial debris is exposed by ablation.

24. Riders can get to the Moraine Lake road via a short connector trail.

25. Tele photo view of the medial moraines and the ice-dammed lake (July 1, 2008).

26. Work with moraine Lake Lodge to integrate day use washrooms at the lodge.

27. Moraine cores are of undeformed gravel, sand, and silty sand that fine upward.

28. This mountain is composed of molasse, which is partly covered by moraine material.

29. These may be bounded by moraines; some are deep enough to be density stratified.

30. Communities dominated by Acer saccharum are found on well drained and nutrient-rich moraines.

31. Lorne and Rhoda Almack – A Conservation Easement on the Oak Ridges Moraine

32. Soils are predominantly clay and silty-clay with glacial features of outwashes, eskers and moraines.

33. Here are a series of stacked slabs of debris, making up a group of ‘hummocky moraines’.

34. The end moraines of the last ice age (Weichselian ice age) did not reach this area.

35. Only south of Ludwigsfelde, does the contiguous ground moraine plateau of the Teltow begin.

36. Englacial conduit surrounded by medial moraine debris on lower Vadret da Morteratsch in 2006.

37. Strongly curved medial moraines indicate irregular flow, perhaps even surges, of some of its tributaries.

38. Panorama photo from point 2941m on the moraine between Hohlaub- and Allalingletscher.

39. A number of grizzly bears use habitat in the Moraine Lake area.

40. Considerable slumping can be seen in the right lateral moraine (photos Joachim Wolff).

41. Work with Moraine Lake Lodge to integrate day use washrooms at the lodge.

42. Physically, the western portion consists mostly of lowland plains covered with glacial moraine.

43. The possibility for a fourth failure phenomenon: moraine failure by piping, is discussed.

44. Note the dark turquoise meltwater pond near the cliff, on the left of the medial moraines.

45. Since 1980 numerous small glacial lakes formed behind the new terminal moraines of several of these glaciers.

46. North of the moraine lies the greatest accumulation of Quaternary sediment in Ontario.

47. The riding is named after the Oak Ridges moraine which intersects nine municipalities

48. The development of the moraine is thought to have occurred in four stages:

49. But the federal government knows the Oak Ridges Moraine is at risk today.

50. A moraine is an area of debris carried down and deposited by glacier.

51. The lake may reach 7 km long if the moraine dam remains fixed.

52. • There is continued summer crowding on the shorelines of Lake Louise and Moraine Lake.

53. That mound around the lake, known as a moraine, was formed by moving ice.

54. Work will resume in spring 2006 with placing of fill around the Moraine Creek bridge area.

55. Icefall, small regenerated glacier and remarkably large set of terminal moraines (northwest of Steacy Icecap; July 23rd, 2008).

56. These late Neoglacial terminal moraines appear, in general, to mark the greatest post-Pleistocene extent of the glaciers.

57. Most of the park is hummocky, with rolling moraines and outwash plains, all features of prairie pothole country.

58. Good examples of cross-valley moraines are found along the shores of Hudson Bay and in Labrador.

59. Moraines were deposited at positions beyond present-day ice limits throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries.

60. Bears displaced by the Kootenay burns of 2003 are now using the Moraine Lake area.

61. The team also developed geophysical tools for measuring subsurface properties of glaciers and moraine dams.

62. The date refers to the time of moraine and delta-kame construction and confirms an earlier estimation.

63. Moraines are practically absent as there are hardly any rock outcrops in the accumulation area (August 24th, 1977).

64. Keywords: largest valley glacier of the Alps, medial moraines, ice avalanches from a hanging glacier on the Mönch.

65. 2 Hummocky moraines Morainic drift with a typical hummocky landform occupies about 10 percent of the Outer Hebrides.

66. This moraine covers the current parishes of Saint-Narcisse, Saint-Prosper and continues eastward into the Portneuf region.

67. In Keppel Cove a natural tarn had formed behind a glacial moraine across the floor of the valley.

68. The westernmost medial moraine has been named the Kranzbergmoräne, and the easternmost carries the name Trugbergmoräne.

69. Moraine rock glaciers, talus-derived rock glaciers, and avalanche rock glaciers are described from Grizzly Creek.

70. One such moraine forms Cape Cod, which is most of the eastern shoreline of Buzzards Bay.

71. The Crosier series consists of very deep, somewhat poorly drained soils formed in till on till plains and moraines

72. The middle Saint-Maurice, downstream from LA TUQUE, is bordered with alluvial terraces and cuts through transversal moraines and marine clays.

73. The Boissevain site lies in the Boissevain Till Plain physiographic subdivision characterized by alluvial deposits and moraines (Barto and Vogel 1978).

74. Unit 5 (postglacial sand) is a shoreface deposit on the seaward front of the former moraine.

75. • Most visitors reach Moraine Lake via a 15km paved road from the Hamlet of Lake Louise.

76. Update and expand interpretation at Moraine Lake, Upper Lake Louise and the Hamlet and popular viewpoints.

77. This moraine held back some of the now-melted glacier and also retained the better soil.

78. The stream, which is here eroding the basal moraine, disappears in an ice tunnel on the lower left.

79. Two collared bears (#45 and #72) were located in the Moraine Lake area in 2001 through radio telemetry.

80. The mountain lake is located in the Kaunergrat west of the Pitztal and is a typical moraine reservoir.